NEW BOOK: With Firm Reliance
Josh Pittman's new ebook is now available!  Details at the book's website.

Constitution Day - Sep. 17
About Constitution Day
Read the Constitution

John Quincy Adams' July 4th (1837) speech    read full speech

CitizenLink: David Barton on America’s True Spiritual Heritage
read article

A new movie seeks to rediscover America's true national treasure read

Deism & the Declaration
Fast-checking Jefferson's Theology
Are we taught the truth?  AFA Journal interview with David Barton read

July 4th Resources
July 4th Oration by John Quincy Adams
read full speech

Journals of the Continental Congress for July 4th 1776... 
read Journal

History of National Day of Prayer
A brief history of the NDP by the American Center for Law and Justice read pdf on

Proclamation by John Adams
Pres. Adams recommended a National Day of Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer, on March 23, 1798 read

The Washington Times: EDITORIAL: A call to prayer and repentance read

EDITORIAL: The duty of a nation to obey God read

Statism: Rendering to Caesar the Things that are God's
"We as a nation have given over to the state many of the responsibilities that God says belong to individuals, the family, or the church."  Excerpt from article by Stephen McDowell.  Read entire article (article on pg 3)

Parental Rights Amendment
The only solution to the attack on the child-parent relationship is the Parental Rights Amendment - securing the rights of parents to raise their children.  Sign the Petition...

America's Spiritual Heritage Week  H. Res. 397 clearly shows America's Christian heritage. 
- Read H. Res. 397 now

- Watch Cong. Forbes on floor of House

New Articles Added
Read about patriot and pastor, Peter Muhlenburg, and

Proclamation by James Madison
Read a Proclamation by President Madison for a day of prayer and

Congressional Prayer Caucus
The Congressional Prayer Caucus is centered around prayer and has over 20 members, all of which are Congressmen or Congresswoman. 
Click here to visit the site and find out more.